Are you part of a community group that wants to find out more about your local heritage or archaeology?

Students excavating a Bronze Age round barrow in Somerset. This was part of a multi-year project undertaken by a university and a local group of dedicated enthusiasts. During this project, Caroline and Neal supervised and trained over 100 students and volunteers.

There are many ways to achieve this, from documentary research, including map research and aerial photography, to field techniques including topographic and geophysical surveys and excavation. At Acer Archaeology, we can provide training for enthusiastic volunteers in many aspects of archaeology, but here we will focus primarily on those directly related to fieldwork.

Why Acer Archaeology?

Acer Archaeology is owned and operated by Caroline and Neal, two experienced archaeologists who have worked in the commercial and academic sectors since 2010. During this time we have trained and supervised hundreds of university students and volunteers in excavation, field survey, artefact analysis and research techniques.

As well as our general archaeological knowledge, like all archaeologists we have our own interests and specialisms and have PhDs in our chosen fields. Caroline is an artefact specialist with a particular expertise in lithics. Neal’s interests lie in the landscape and the techniques used to understand their past uses.

We understand the different requirements for commercial and community projects. Community projects require good communication skills and patience. We have developed methodologies over the years for instructing complete novices and won’t leave your volunteers in a state of puzzlement or feeling that they are just a labourer digging holes. We understand that the process of archaeology can seem complex at first, but we gradually introduce new knowledge in a structured manner.

Archaeology can be thought of here as the combination of two distinct elements – the physical processes (excavation, survey etc.) and the interpretive process which allows us to tell the ‘story’ of the site. We can guide volunteers through both of these elements.

How we can help your community group

We can work with you at a variety of levels depending on your level of expertise. For example, we can act as site directors whereby we would develop a strategy for your project and liaise with you to achieve your result, or you might decide that you just want us to instruct and supervise the techniques of excavation. We can even offer discrete expertise for one small element of your project, such as a survey. We can also offer advice and help you navigate the legal, statutory and ethical requirements you may encounter during your project.

We own some of our own specialist equipment, including:

  • Bartington Grad601 gradiometer for magnetic survey. This instrument maps magnetic anomalies, and can be used to locate archaeological features such as ditches, buildings, remains and graves. In conjunction with specialist analysis and mapping software, the results can be overlaid onto detailed mapping.
  • Survey Grade GPS. Unlike the GPS in your mobile phone, or even a more specialised mapping unit for walkers, survey grade GPS can obtain sub-centimetre levels of accuracy. This can be used to create a very detailed landscape model for your site, to locate trenches accurately and even plot small finds.
  • Flotation tank for environmental finds processing. A very brief overview of this process can be found here.

We can carry out these specialist tasks for you, or we can train your volunteers to use them.

Interested in finding out more?

If you feel that Acer can help your project in any way, please get in touch and we can have a conversation on how to achieve your goals.

You can contact us using the form provided below.
Alternatively, you can email or phone us on 07983 703157 or 01547 560947.