Excavation is usually required when known significant archaeology is present on the development site, often as a result of preliminary investigations (commonly known as evaluation).
Here, the archaeology on your site is ‘preserved by record’. This involves a systematic excavation of the archaeology and the production of a detailed written, drawn and photographic record of the archaeological remains.
These records, and any artefacts recovered, are then compiled into an archive and deposited in an appropriate museum. The results of the excavation and any post-excavation analysis are published as a scientific report.
Results can also be published in a popular format (e.g. press releases, magazines)
designed to engage the public and local communities.
Acer Archaeology are able to undertake all stages of archaeological excavation which include:
- careful site planning and preparation;
- appropriate excavation, recording and sampling of features and finds;
- completion of all post-excavation work;
- analysis and site interpretation;
- use of appropriate specialists, and
- production of a professional report.
If required as part of a planning condition, all these stages must be completed to the satisfaction of the local authority’s planning archaeologist. Acer Archaeology can undertake all stages of work and, when required, call on nationally recognised specialists to assist with additional services such as environmental analysis and finds identification.